Skills |
Each character class has a list of skills that are the preferred skills
of their class. A 'preferred' skill is one where a player must only spend
1 skill point to raise the rank of that skill by 1 point.
Most other skills are considered 'cross-class' which means that a
player can take that skill but it will cost 2 skill points per rank
instead of 1.
There are some skills that are so specialized that only certain classes
can take them:
Animal Empathy- Only Rangers and Druids.
Perform- Only Bards
Use Magic Device- Only Bards and Rogues.
This means that no other class in the game can spend points on these
skills but the classes listed.
Skill List
Here is a brief explanation of each skill (and the key ability for each
Animal Empathy
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: Druid and ranger.
A successful check allows a character to charm or dominate certain
Check: Animals and dire animals have a DC of 20 + the creature's hit die.
For beasts and magical beasts, the DC is 24 + the creature's hit die. If
the check succeeds, the creature is charmed; if the check exceeds the DC
by six or greater, the creature is dominated.
Special: If the character fails their check by five or more, the creature
will go hostile.
Use: Select this skill and then select the target creature. Dominated
creatures are commanded as if they were henchmen. The creature will remain
charmed or dominated for one round per level of the character using the
Ability: Constitution.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Concentration checks are made whenever your character is distracted during
the act of casting a spell. It is also used to avoid the effects of the
Taunt skill.
Check: The DC to avoid casting failure is equal to 10 + damage received +
spell level. The caster receives a -4 penalty to his check if casting
within three meters of an enemy.
Use: Automatic.
Disable Trap
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.
This skill allows the character to perform a variety of actions on a trap.
Check: There are four progressively difficult actions that a character may
perform on a trap; base DC is determined by the difficulty rating of the
trap, modified by the action being performed.
- Assessing a trap to determine its difficulty modifies the DC by -7.
- Flagging a trap to make it visible to the rest of the party modifies the
DC by -5.
- Recovering a trap raises the trap DC by +10.
- Disarming a trap has no effect on the trap DC.
Special: A rogue is the only class capable of disarming traps with a DC of
35 or greater. With 5 or more ranks in the Set Trap skill a character gets
a +2 synergy bonus on Disable Trap checks.
Spectacular Failure: When disarming or recovering a trap, a spectacular
failure results in the trap immediately going off.
Use: Assess, Flag, Recover, and Disarm are radial menu options off of a
detected trap.
Ability: Strength.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
A successful check allows the character to resist any combat feat (Disarm,
Called Shot, Sap, or Knockdown).
Check: The DC is equal to the attacker's attack roll.
Use: Automatic. The OnEndCombatRound Event occurs when the creature
finishes a combat round.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
With this skill a character can use a healing kit to cure wounds and heal
poisons and diseases.
Check: To heal poisons and diseases, the healer must make a successful
check against their DC. If he is successful, the target is healed and is
cured a number of HP equal to the skill roll, plus all modifiers. If the
target suffers from no poisons or diseases, it is still cured of damage.
Use: Use healing kit on a wounded creature.
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
This skill allows a character to hide from enemies.
Check: The character must succeed at an opposed test against a searching
creature's Spot check. Success means that the character goes undetected.
Characters in the direct line of sight of an intelligent creature may not
attempt to Hide.
Special: The Hide and Move Silently skills combine into a single Stealth
action. Movement in Stealth mode is slower than the normal rate. Wearing
armour or using a torch inhibits this ability, but low light can provide a
bonus. A character in Stealth mode is harder to spot if standing still,
and if his stature is small.
Use: Select the Stealth action from the Special Abilities radial.
Invisible characters automatically enter Stealth mode. Opposed Spot and
Listen rolls are made once per round, where applicable.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Listen alerts a character to hidden creatures that may be nearby.
Check: Listen detects hidden creatures by opposing their Move Silently
check. A successful check renders the hidden creature visible, and makes
it a valid target for the listener.
Special: Standing still provides a +5 bonus to a Listen check. A character
with the Alertness feat gains a +2 bonus on Listen checks. Rangers gain a
bonus when Listening against a favoured enemy. Elves, gnomes, and
halflings gain a +2 racial bonus to Listen checks. Half-elves receive a +1
racial bonus.
Use: Listen is part of the Detect modal action. In Passive Detect mode,
checks are made automatically every round. Active Detect mode is a modal
action that reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character
perform an Active Listen, as well as Spot and Search checks.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Lore allows a character to identify unknown magic items.
Check: A roll against an unidentified item's value to determine magical
properties that the item may possess.
Special: Bards are able to identify items more easily than other classes.
Various spells and items can also give a character a bonus to their lore
Use: Automatic every time the character examines an item.
Move Silently
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
A character may sneak quietly past an enemy.
Check: A Move Silently check is opposed by the listening creature's Listen
check. If the character is successful, the opposing creature remains
unaware as the character moves.
Special: Hide and Move Silently are combined into a single Stealth action.
Movement in Stealth mode is slower than the normal rate. Wearing armour
inhibits this ability, but low light can provide a bonus.
Use: Select the Stealth action from the Special Abilities radial.
Invisible creatures automatically enter Stealth mode.
Open Lock
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.
This skill allows the character to enter locked rooms and open locked
Check: The DC is determined by the lock's difficulty rating. A successful
check opens the lock.
Special: Thieves tools can be used to provide bonuses to a character's
Open Lock attempt, but are destroyed in the attempt whether successful or
Use: Select the skill and then target a locked object.
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Parry allows the character to block incoming attacks and make spectacular
Check: The DC is the modified attack roll of the incoming blow. A
successful Parry check means that the attack does not damage the parrying
character. A character may only parry a number of attacks per round equal
to the number of attacks per round available to the character.
Special: If the parry is successful and the difference between the roll
and the DC is ten points or greater, a counterattack occurs. A
counterattack is a free attack made by the parrying character, at his full
attack bonus, against the parried opponent.
Use: Select the Parry mode. The character will remain in parry mode until
the mode is exited.
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: Bard.
A Bard using Perform can perform the bardsong, which improves their allies
ability to fight in combat and withstand mind-affecting enemies. Perform
is essential for any Bard who wants to have access to their bardsong.
Check: None required. The higher the rank in this skill, the better the
Use: Select the skill to affect a 30-foot radius of allies around the
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
A successful Persuade check prompts NPCs to reveal additional information
or give bonus treasure in conversation.
Check: The DC is determined by the NPC being spoken to.
Use: Used in conversation.
Pick Pocket
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.
Pick Pocket allows a character to remove items from another's backpack.
Check: There are two parts to successfully picking a pocket. First, the
item must be acquired, and then the targeted creature must not notice the
theft. Stealing the item is a simple skill test against the target's DC.
The base DC for a neutral or tolerant creature is 20, and 30 for a hostile
creature. This roll is modified by armor check penalties. The targeted
creature then makes an opposed Spot check against the character's Pick
Pocket check. Hostile creatures have a +10 bonus to their Spot checks in
this test. If the targeted creature succeeds at this opposed check, then
the target has detected the theft attempt. An NPC who detects the attempt
will turn hostile, and a PC will be informed that the character has
attempted to use Pick Pocket on him. If the character is successful at
both checks, then he steals the item without being detected.
Use: Select skill, then select valid target.
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Search is used to detect traps.
Check: Detecting a trap is an opposed test, pitting the character's Search
check against a DC equal to the Set Trap skill check, plus the strength of
the trap. Only rogues may detect traps with a DC greater than 35.
Special: Elves and dwarves receive a +2 bonus to their Search checks, and
half-elves gain a +1 bonus.
Use: Search is part of the Detect modal action. In Passive Detect mode,
checks are made automatically every round. Active Detect mode is a modal
action that reduces the character's normal movement rate and perform an
Active Search, as well as Spot and Listen checks.
Set Trap
Ability: Dexterity.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.
This skill allows a character to place trap kits.
Check: When a trap kit is used, the character makes a skill check. The DC
of the task is determined by the power of the trap.
Special: 5 or more ranks in Disable Traps grants a +2 synergy bonus on Set
Trap checks. Any party members are able to see traps that one character
has set.
Spectacular Failure: If a skill check is failed by 10 or more, the trap
goes off in the attempt to set it. This can only occur if you are in
combat when trying to set the trap.
Use: Use a trap kit from your inventory. An icon visible to you and your
party will appear on the ground to represent the trap.
Spell Craft
Ability: Intelligence.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: All.
Spellcraft is used to identify spells and to perform counterspells.
Check: A successful check means that the character has identified a spell
being cast by an opponent. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + spell
level. The character also gains a +1 bonus for every 5 ranks in this skill
to all saving throws against spells.
Special: A specialist wizard gets a +2 bonus when dealing with a spell
from his specialized school. As well, a successful Spellcraft check is
required before your character can attempt to counterspell. The specialist
wizard suffers a -5 penalty when dealing with a spell or effect from a
prohibited school.
Use: Spellcraft checks are automatic whenever a spell is cast nearby.The
OnPerception Event occurs when the creature either notices or stops
noticing a player's character.
Ability: Wisdom.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
A successful Spot check reveals a hidden creature.
Check: The DC is determined by the Hide check of the hidden creature.
Special: The Alertness feat grants a +2 bonus on Spot checks. Rangers
receive a bonus on Spot checks against their favoured enemy. Elves gain a
+2 bonus on Spot checks, and half-elves gain a +1 bonus.
Use: Spot is part of the Detect modal action. In Passive Detect mode,
checks are made automatically every round. Active Detect mode is a modal
action that reduces the normal movement rate and makes the character
perform an Active Spot, as well as Search and Listen checks. The OnRested
Event occurs when the creature has finished resting.
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: No.
Classes: All.
Taunt is used to provoke an enemy into dropping his guard for a short
Check: Taunt is an opposed test against an opponent's Concentration check.
If the Taunt check is successful, the opponent suffers a -2 penalty to AC
for two rounds.
Special: Taunt penalties are not cumulative.
Use: Select skill and then target creature.
Use Magic Device
Ability: Charisma.
Requires Training: Yes.
Classes: Bard and Rogue.
A successful Use Magic Device check allows the character to use a magic
item as if he had a required class, race, or alignment.
Check: The base DC is determined by the value of the item, and modified by
the type of emulation the character is attempting. If the character
attempts to emulate a specific race, the DC increases by 5; if he attempts
to emulate a specific alignment, the DC increases by 10. Emulating a
specific class does not modify the base DC.
Use: Automatically applied whenever a character attempts to use or equip
an item normally unusable by his class, race, or alignment.