that can be assigned to items |
The abilities that can be assigned to objects varies according to the
type of object. The current abilities that can be assigned to items are
the following:
- ability bonuses
- AC bonuses (optionally vs. Alignment, Race or Damage Type)
- attack bonuses (optionally vs. Alignment or Race)
- base item weight reduction
- bonus feats
- bonus spell slots
- cast spell
- damage bonuses (optionally vs. Alignment or Race)
- damage reduction
- damage resistance
- damage vulnerability
- darkvision
- decreased ability scores
- decreased AC
- decreased attack modifier
- decreased damage
- decreased saves (optionally vs. specific)
- decreased skill modifier
- decreased attack modifier
- enhanced container: reduced weight
- enhancement bonus (optionally vs. Alignment or Race)
- extra melee damage type
- freedom of movement
- haste
- Holy Avenger
- immunities (vs dmg type, misc, spells by level/school/specific)
- improved evasion
- keen
- light
- massive criticals
- no combat damage
- on hit (wide selection of stuff... won't even get into)
- regeneration (optionally vampiric)
- save bonus (optionally vs. specific)
- skill bonus
- spell resistance (SR)
- true seeing
- use limitation (vs. Class, Race, Alignment Group or Specific
This list is by no means final and represents
only what I saw when I hopped over to the item editor a few moments ago.
Some of these may not be included in the final release and some things
may be yet to come. It's quite a large list, though, and lots of these
abilities may be further edited for variation once they are applied to
the item.